Content is sometimes underestimated especially when it comes to websites, but why? Many businesses or bloggers sometimes believe that a paragraph or two of poorly written content with suffice, with a chucked in image or two to make it look good to the eye.
Imagine the scenario you run a retail shop and want to attract more business, and you go to write a letter and maybe as the business you forget the obvious and every line has how good you are and maybe the companies you have worked for. Forgetting the obvious, but yes this is great, but does it read well? the answer is probably no! It can be much better to write to persuade the reader to buy from your company, by keeping it readable and friendly.
Another scenario may be from a website point of view, the business owner might have a business in the sweets market and sweets can sell themselves, but maybe a paragraph of high quality and juicy written content would really sell the product. Especially if it was a brand new type of chocolate or taste that wasn’t recognized across the world.
To remember that professionally written content can make a massive difference across websites, letters, blogs, marketing material or even product materials. Never underestimate the importance, and always give the experts a chance, if you can’t afford a content writer then maybe see if you can find help from a teacher or student that would want some work experience.
Check back soon to find out what Bird Trading has in stall in the next blog online!