For most businesses building there own website or for young vibrant web design companies knowing the very best plugins for wordpress is crucuial to success, or at least helping with making things easier online. Our top tips are these:
Yoast SEO for wordpress
The truth is that if you want to thoroughly succeed online, no one plugin will the number factor, but having the very best plugins will most definitely help. With yoast SEO it simply makes life easier, from the technical side of adding sitemaps and URL tidying to being able to implement your meta titles and tags.
But always remember that balancing your search engine optimization is better done nataurally and ethically, rather than attempting to cheat your way through online marketing. Being number one in the search engine rankings is possible with hard-work and building a strong brand and website online.
As they say it is a plugin “Used by millions”, but it is very likely it is the very best around for protecting your blog or website from comment and/or trackback spam, of which every web owner will get loads of annoying emails from time to time. Especially when your site gets more and more popular!
Contact Form 7
Another great plugin that you can place anywhere on your website, this could be a contact page, about page or even get a quote page. The great thing about adding this plugin is that you can have identical contact forms on multiple pages, but unique to that page. The other bonus is that for tracking purposes you can actually see what each potential customer looks at and what page they fill out the form.
But amongst all else, adding this simply and easy plugin on your website it keeps copies of all ‘saved form submissions’, which also email your chosen email address inserted. Which is also great for SEO’s that want to see what there hard work has done, but also great for the business owner to see what there website has created and the last biggie, is that of never loosing a potential lead as it is on the back end of your WordPress website.
Some of the other handy plugins tools are redirection tools that can redirect one webpage to another, great for older websites changing to newer ones, with the 301 redirect and great starter. Plus also looking at customer review plugins, simple and easy to get your customers to review you and your service.