A little bit about ourselves and what Bird Trading Online has to offer people all around the world in all of our online retail shops. Within the online retail sector things are quite different to those within the fixed shop environment, with rents massively high and with many, many consumers not either having the time to go shopping or finding the pricing of items high within the shops in general. It only shows in today’s times with Woolworths gone, others following and Comet on the verge, the all round trust of retail shops is slowing dying. But we must remember that everything in life does go full circle, one minute street shopping was big, then out of town stores came in and effected their business…. then their was the original online retail Big Boom! But at Bird Trading we feel the best way to move forward is online shopping and let us explain why.
With most people owning a mobile phone that is programmed with apps that can make buying so easy these days, and with the screens getter bigger. All along with all the tablets, small laptops and desktop PCs the internet is definitely here to stay. But along with all the changes over the last 25 years what will happen over the next 25 years is pretty much anyone’s guess, all we can do at Bird Trading is provide a full on service with superb customer service, great products at cost effective prices. Not products at prices that can not sustain and become a here one minute and gone the next, we will be here for the long term that is for sure.
We fully understand that their will always be a place for shopping in every avenue of live, but with most people not having the money or time, sometimes the easiest way to shop is to do it online. Even Royal Mail are now putting a lot of their emphasis on the eBay and Amazon shops, so it does show where thing currently stand. We just feel selling online is the best, but you never know you may see us on the high street before long!